Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SXSW and Spring Break Filmmaker/Parent Combo

As my Sundance induced cough gets better, I’ve been busy sending out my last short film, Static, to directors, writers and editor friends for feedback. Rough cut notes are essential when editing!! You get positive, insightful, constructive notes, on your unfinished film, that lets you know you are nowhere near done.
Stupid optimist - every time Editor Nancy and I work on the film, I always think “Yay!! Maybe two more weeks until picture lock!!”   Now I realize it could be closer to a month or more. Aargh!!! Fortunately there is nothing wrong with the film. The other filmmakers really like it, but it takes time to figure out how to incorporate their comments, and fine tune the footage. Gotta make this little film shine!

I’m also going to be attending SXSW this year! Usually the family and I take off that week because it’s Spring Break, but for various reasons, it’s not going to happen. So now I’m prepping for another huge film festival. It’s going to be jam packed with all kinds of really neat film seminars, films and mentorships.  I’ll be sure to blog about who and what, while I’m there.

With the boys being home during SXSW/Spring Break week, schedules and life in general, is going to be kinda hectic.  I want to make the most out of South By, but I also really want to spend time with the kids. So I’m thinking to tackle the mom/filmmaker combo, maybe I’ll skip SXSW for a day or two, and we’ll go Motox’ing  (I will try not to break anything!!), or maybe a water park.  Or better yet take them to some of the SXSW film and parties?!   O.K. maybe not -  Hey I’m just trying for a little balance here!

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