Friday, November 18, 2005

Holiday pressures

Forget the holiday blues, I think I have the holiday pressures. It's closer than we think!

Time to get those damn ducks in a row.

My holiday to do list:

1. Make a list of who gets what

2. Online shopping now for gifts

3. Next week a day at the mall

4. . Goal-get all the Xmass shopping done and sent out before December 3rd.

5. Schedule a family photo and have the holiday cards ready to get in the mail on December 1st.

6. Get tree up and decorations up weekend after thanksgiving.

7. bake/make specialty chocolates for neighbors and teachers. Hand out the 10th

8. Make classroom gift to teacher (I’m the homeroom parents)

9. get to printers to make a holiday acting cards.

9. Send out holiday acting cards to casting agents, etc.

10. Drink a fair amount of hot toddies.

11. Look at this list every now and then, to remind myself that I should be doing something.

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