Saturday, November 24, 2007


The time off has done me good, except now I care less about things. Maybe that’s not a good thing after all. I was supposed to start with this awesome acting coach, but after I gave her the check, I promptly backed out. I still haven’t figured out why I did that, but hopefully she’ll let me start up after the holiday season.

What else:

~I do have the urge to do some major nest building. Already had he carpets in the bedrooms replaced, next week the interior will get repainted, and then hopefully I can finish laying down the lighting and mulch in the front garden. This isn’t exactly riveting news, but thought I’d share it anyway…

~I saw some stills of Kat and Stacy’s “The Worker” on Kat’s blog, and I have to say it looks awesome. Anne looks great and I know from way back, that the story is perfect. I have no doubt it’s going to be an award winner.

~I have a fierce desire to throw a holiday party. Maybe one of those Open House Holiday types and bring in some musicians. I made a tentative list and it topped 100 guests. That may be a bit too much for me, but if I can bring in some help and have some of the main dishes catered, I bet I could pull it off. Of course all of my blog friends would be invited! All five of you. J

~For the first time in 12 years, we have a real Christmas tree. I’m not sure what possessed me to go for a real one this year, but when I looked at the artificial one in the box, I couldn’t bring myself to put it together. Maybe it represented the sameness that has been plaguing my life these last few years, but what ever the reason, there was no way it was going up! So Mr. Hubby and I loaded up the kids and drove over to our local parking lot xmass tree vender and picked out a beauty!

We got it home in one piece and after a lot of irritation on Mr. Hubby’s part (and giggling on my part, which increased Mr. Hubby’s irritation tenfold , etc.), we got the tree to stand up straight. I can’t wait to put the lights on and decorate it. If I throw that party, you can check it out for yourself.

~The Christmas tree is shedding a lot of needles. At this rate, it’s going to be bald and we’ll be having a Charlie Brown Christmas.


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