Friday, August 25, 2006

Cora Cardona and David Kroll

The heat was so horrid, that at every chance we got, we'd hang out in an air conditioned lawyer's office, which was facing the street where the filming was taking place.

Sitting with me is Cora Cardona and
David Kroll. Cora is an actress, director, producer, playwright and well, you name it. She started the Latino theatre scene in Dallas and is the artistic director and founder of Teatro Dallas . She has this warm, supportive positive energy that is enveloping. I wish I could work with her everyday.
David played the minister to perfection and I loved watching him. He hails from Austin and has been in several things as well. I am so glad I got to be in the last scene with him. Everyone was super tired, hot and ready to put our feet up, but his jokes kept coming (even the bad one!) and it was a great way to wrap up the day. I have to admit, normally it's pretty had for me to get the giggles on a set, but man, did I get them bad with David! I still laugh thinking about it.
Hi Cora!!

1 comment:

  1. O.K., I’ll cede, that some of the really bad jokes just might have been funny due to heat related exhaustion. But the whole "hand and the serious face" thing, well, it still cracks me up!
    Perhaps I have permanent heat related injury?
